deliberatepractice adopts a practical and proven approach to assist organisations to understand their current culture, articulate the desired culture and to develop a culture change plan.
We also work with Boards and Executive teams to understand how to lead, shape and monitor culture.
Our specialist services include:
People risk can arise from inadequacies in HR organisational practices, from recruitment, on-boarding, remuneration and promotions .
Risk can arise when there is a gap between what an organisation says or aspires to what it actually does.
Our diagnosis examines HR processes and practices to determine any misalignment and makes recommendations to mitigate people risk.
Our approach to measuring current culture comes from a deep understanding of the organisational purpose and strategy and we recommend an appropriate assessment approach that reflects our understanding.
We use a range of culture assessment tools, including Barrett, Human Synergistics and bespoke solutions
Our process ensures that the outcomes are “fit for purpose” and reflect our deep understanding of culture and alignment to purpose and strategy.
Engaged employees that are emotionally committed to their organisation and its success, positively impact an organisation’s performance, whether that is measured through profit, customer satisfaction or any other range of measures. So the leadership challenge is how do you retain engaged employees and shift “neutral” or disengaged employees?
deliberatepractice uses insights from a range of sources to deeply understand the “shift” that is required. There is no silver bullet, it requires a deliberate and focussed approach.
To achieve culture change, deliberatepractice works with the executive and HR team to understand the dissatisfaction with the current culture, the articulation of the desired culture (the model) and the process to achieve the change.
The process for change must be carefully articulated and contain realistic milestones to ensure that the organisation, its leaders and employees understand the change, the rationale for change and incremental steps to keep the organisation focussed on the change outcomes.
It is through a range of deliberate practices that will result in shifts in culture over time. Our approach is embedded in good practice and achieve change by design, not by chance.
If you want to lead with confidence and be an employer of choice enquire about our Culture services below:
Melanie Haydon – Practice Director, Advisory on:
T: 1300 deliberate (1300 335 423)